The other day I was going through my Facebook newsfeed, which,
if you know me, that’s about every 10 minutes, unless you’re my employer
and happen to be reading this. :) You also
might know that my newsfeed happens to be extremely bipolar…with status updates
that are all over the map. I have many
friends and acquaintances that fall on both sides of the “tracks” on many
issues. And I wouldn’t have it any other
way. Not for a second. I’m convinced that everyone can hold a belief
and still be respected by humanity, and maybe even be friends...go figure. Call
me an idealist…but that’s the way I hope to see it one day.
If you’ve been watching any kind of media, you know that the
topic of gay marriage in the state of Washington
is bigger than ever at the moment, and I happened to notice a reference
regarding the ever-classic Sodom and Gomorrah . I must admit I was frustrated. I went ahead and let frustration subside for
a day, to make sure that what I’m about to write was written out of the purist
intentions. Yes, this will be
theological. And no, this will not simply be a gay man’s opinion. It is an educated conclusion held by many
conservatives that are very much against homosexuality. And it might be the only time I agree with those
individuals on this issue.
Any biblical scholar, both conservative and liberal, will
tell you that you simply cannot use Sodom and Gomorrah as an argument
against homosexual relationships. Most
people, when looking at the scriptures can clearly see that both of those
cities were plagued with evil. Yes, evil. Newsflash:
People that aren’t bible thumpers do believe in the concept of
evil. Alright…moving on. In the famous passage (Genesis 19) that
clearly shows the dark depravity of the city, there were two angels that came
to visit Lot (Who was Abraham’s brother). A giant mob beat on Lot’s door, asking Lot to toss them out into the street so that they could
have sex with them. In a sense…gang
I’m pretty sure this doesn’t have anything to do with a
relationship between 2 adults.
BUT…no one seems to mention this: Did you know that the Bible actually goes on to say exactly WHY God destroyed
49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister
The part that I find the most interesting in all of this, (this
is my own “stretch”, but I’ll throw it out for thought nonetheless), is that
Genesis 19 tells us the story of these two angels, who were foreigners. They were visiting this city. And THAT is how they were treated. Is it possible that this was the greater sin
How does the church treat outsiders today?
Yes…it’s a stretch. And it’s still worth thinking about.
Thanks for reading…I know it’s been awhile.
Thanks for posting John, interesting takes. Love ya dude!
ReplyDeleteI think Jesus had two Daddies like Heather- that Ghost guy... super gay :)
ReplyDeleteCertainly the the sins the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of were numerous and blatant, and not only homosexuality.
ReplyDeleteThe apostle Paul tells the Corinthian church: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." (I Cor. 6:9-10 ESV)
This passage does not stand alone; it follows up on Paul's assertion that Christians should take their disagreements with each other to the Church rather than the civil courts. These are examples of sin that the Church is to deal with; I would suggest that Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of each and every one. Homosexuality wasn't their only sin, but it is the one that we focus on, probably because it is one of the most difficult to overcome.
It's clear from this passage that homosexuality is wrong. Paul doesn't leave any gray areas there. But he does give us hope. As he says in verse 11, "And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
How about that! No matter what the sin, whether it be homosexuality or picking your boogers in public, you can be washed clean and still have hope of salvation and eternal life in Christ.
You know what else? Sodom and Gomorrah's biggest sin wasn't homosexuality. Nope. In fact, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven... except unbelief. That's right, their biggest sin was unbelief. Because they rejected God, their Creator, they were destroyed.